SENDCo at Newsome Junior Academy
At Newsome Junior Academy we are committed to providing an inclusive, caring education that serves the needs of our community. We care about the children in our charge and want them to reach their potential regardless of needs. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that enables all children to succeed and enables them to make positive contributions to society. To contact the SENDCo please email with the subject FAO SENDCO.

For those who don’t know me my name is Miss Hoare and I lead on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision at Newsome Junior Academy.
My role involves working closely with parents, teachers, health services and a range of outside agencies to ensure that children needing additional support make progress and reach their potential. I work closely with parents/carers, providing them with information and ensuring that they feel involved in making decisions about their child’s education.
I ensure that additional provision is in place for those who need it and monitor the impact of this to ensure all children are making progress and achieving their full potential. Sometimes the support required may be short term, allowing children to close any gaps in their learning so that they can keep pace with the rest of the class. Whilst other children may require long term support due to their medical, developmental or emotional needs.
I also work closely with local infant and High schools to ensure that effective transition takes place as children arrive and leave Newsome Juniors Academy.
Below I have answered some of our frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions about SEND provision, please contact the office and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Your child’s class teacher is always the best person to speak to initially. They work with your child daily and are best placed to answer any questions you have about their day-to-day learning.
- Miss Hoare will be happy to speak to you about specific concerns or answer any questions you may have about your child’s additional needs – email office@newsomejuniors
- The school office is open during school hours and they will also be happy to help you – 01484 540509.
- In our school support is based on recognising the individual needs of your child.
- Our teachers are all qualified and have regular CPD in order to meet the variety of needs in their classroom. All children in school have support within lessons through careful scaffolding and quality first teaching strategies. This means that activities are planned according to the level the child is working at. This can include a variety of adaptions including changes to the physical environment, changes to teaching style as well as levels of adult support.
- Our teaching team have many years of experience supporting a variety of needs.
- The Teaching Assistants at Newsome Juniors are regularly trained in how to best support all children, especially those with Special Educational Needs.
- If additional training is needed for the adults working with your child this will be provided.
- Where children have a physical or medical difficulty the school ensures it provides appropriate resources. As a school we would always make adjustments to ensure that all children are fully included.
- We work closely with outside agencies including VI, HI and PI (visual, hearing and physically impaired services). CCI (complex, communication, interaction service) to support children with a diagnosis of ASC or who are on the neurological pathway. SEMH, Occupational Therapy and the Speech and language service. They provide advice and guidance on ensuring we are meeting the needs of all are SEND children.
- Feedback and/or discussion for your child’s progress can take place both formally and informally.
- There are regular opportunities (three times a year) for formal feedback.
- You can request an additional meeting at any time.
- When you collect your child at the end of the day, the class teacher will be happy to give you brief feedback.
- If you have any immediate concerns, you will always be able to talk to someone in school.
- All children in our school learn to value and respect each other as individuals and celebrate differences.
- Children at our school are excellent at supporting and helping children with special needs and this is something that we are very proud of.
- In our school, our support is based on recognising the individual needs of your child.
- We encourage all children to talk to each other, build positive friendships and we organise school life to ensure this happens.